We know how to resolve any legal issue
15 Years of Experience
In that time, we’ve won numerous cases and resolved countless disputes. We’re confident we can handle your issues as well.
Always by Your Side
We’ll assign a dedicated team member to be available whenever you need. Don’t worry—if they’re on vacation, their colleagues will handle all your concerns.
More Than a Guarantee
Our professional liability is insured with Alfa Insurance for up to ₽10,000,000.
No Stress
Our clients experience less stress, which leads to better health and improved sleep.
Only What You Need
Choose only what you truly need. We offer various formats, from subscription-based support to one-time consultations.
Experts Respected in Their Fields
At the Meltzer Group, we have no novices—only professionals. We work with a wide range of business, and our specialists handle challenges from various fields every day.
and save you both money and stress.
We’ll assign a dedicated team member to be available whenever you need. Don’t worry—if they’re on vacation, their colleagues will handle all your concerns.
Наша профессиональная ответственность застрахована в «Альфа страхование»
на 10 000 000 ₽